EBRO SERIES HP111- High Performance Wafer pattern butterfly valves


EBRO SERIES HP111- High Performance Wafer pattern butterfly valves

All Valves Online have supplied many of the EBRO HP 'High Pertormance' range of butterfly valves for specialist applications where the Z011,Z014 and T211 ranges would not be suitable such as high temperature, high pressure and specialist applications where a cast iron or ductile iron body would not be suitable.
Available as the HP111 for wafer pattern applications or the HP114 for lugged installations, and available as bare shaft for your own automation, lever or gearbox operated for manual operation or actuated valve electric or air operated pneumatic applications, we have all areas covered.
All Valves have supplied many HP EBRO valves into applications such 300+C gas for a laboratory testing for a new carbon compound, ammonia applications as part of a bypass system and new works for GSK.
All Valves online will always look to make the EBRO valves High Performance HP range of butterfly valves our number one choice for high performance butterfly valves.

Some of its features include a straight through shaft to ensure maximum bending strength, maintenance free bearing on the shaft, inconel seat ring ensure absolute tightness and force locked connection between shaft and disc.

EBRO SERIES HP 112 - Double flanged valve

The HP 112 is the world famous wafer type butterfly valve, suitable for a variety of high demanding applications with a range of liners available. The valve has consistent torques for actuation with low reliable torques, ISO 5211 mounting and to suit a variety of flange arrangements. Disc of the valve has double-eccentric bearing and centring pieces can be used as installation aid.
The HP 112 is available in WCB and Stainless Steelwith Stainless Steel disc. This maintenance-free valve prides itself on long service life, even at high switching frequencies.
This range is available with RPTFE and Inconel liners.
EBRO SERIES HP 114 - Wafer type valve

The HP 114 is the world famous wafer type butterfly valve, suitable for a variety of hogh demanding applications with a wide range of liners available. The valve has consistent torques for actuation with low reliable torques, ISO 5211 mounting and to suit a variety of flange arrangements. Disc of the valve has double-eccentric bearing and centring pieces can be used as installation aid.
The HP 114 is available in WCB and Stainless Steelwith Stainless Steel disc. This maintenance-free valve prides itself on long service life, even at high switching frequencies.
This range is available with RPTFE and Inconel liners. Third options is FireSafe combination of Inconel and RPTFE.

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